Complete Campus Events
Sept. 8, through Monday, Sept. 11, 8 and 10 p.m.
Reamer Auditorium.
Film: Gladiator.
Sept. 8, 8 p.m.
Round Lake Auditorium.
Union College Jazz Ensemble, Prof. Tim Olsen director, performs jazz standards
and original compositions and arrangements.
Sept. 11, 12:30 p.m.
Reamer Auditorium.
General faculty meeting.
Thursday, Sept. 14, 7:30 p.m.
Nott Memorial.
“Designing a Masterpiece: Symposium on the Engineering and Construction
of the Erie Canal” with F. Daniel Larkin, interim provost and vice
president for academic affairs, SUNY Oneonta; Frank Griggs, director of historic
bridge programs at Clough Harbour & Associates LLP; Andrew Wolfe, assistant
professor of civil engineering; and participating students from Union College
and Schenectady High School (co-sponsored by the Division of Engineering).
Friday, Sept. 15, through Monday, Sept. 18, 8 and 10 p.m.
Reamer Auditorium.
Film: Road Trip.
Oct. 29.
Nott Memorial.
Exhibit: “Monument of Progress: The 175th Anniversary of the Erie
Canal” with related events throughout.
full schedule of events appears in “Union's Calendar,” distributed
weekly on campus.)