As bad as it was, it could have been worse. A lot worse.
Phone service to the city went out on Thursday, Dec. 28, after a water main break at State and Liberty streets flooded
the basement of Verizon Communications, which provides phone service to the city. Meanwhile, the resulting scramble for
cell phone calls all but disabled that system as well.
On campus, folks were glad it didn't happen this week as the term began, or even a few days later as a Northeaster dumped
a foot of snow.
Campus Safety brought in a dozen officers (about four times the usual number) to monitor college properties that were without
fire or burglar alarms. Events at Achilles Rink were cancelled. With the Web down, folks in the Annual Fund had to assist
donors who were trying to make their end-of-year gifts on-line. But for the most part, things went smoothly, thanks in large
part to a biting chill that kept most people at home, said Sgt. Robert Tomeck.
Ironically, Diane Winkler, director of telecommunications, had to drive all the way to Colonie to get her cell phone to work.
The reason: she had to call tech support in Texas to let them know our phones were out.