Posted on Jan 19, 2001

Nov. 6, 2000

  1. The minutes of the October 30, 2000 AAC meeting were corrected and approved.
  2. In order to avoid a current conflict in the schedule the AAC approved the motion that beginning in the Fall term, the Monday, Wednesday, Friday academic day will begin five minutes earlier, at 8:20 a.m. Therefore, all classes will start five minutes earlier. In addition, all evening classes will begin five minutes later.
  3. The committee met with Professor Susan Niefield (Chair of the Mathematics Department) to discuss the department's external review.
  4. Dean Rosenthal presented a brief report on activities of the GenEd and Writing Board.
  5. The committee confirmed the policy that if computer science majors take 37 courses, they will not be charged for the extra course beyond the normal 36 courses.
  6. Emily Burns brought up the possibility of dean's list students taking a fourth class for free. This was tabled until the winter term.

Jan. 8, 2001

  1. The minutes of the Nov. 6, 2000 AAC meeting were corrected.
  2. Dean Bob Balmer reported on the Engineering “challenge.”
  3. The AAC discussed academic credit issues with the Turkey Virtual Term Abroad.
  4. Dean Rosenthal reported on the activities of the Writing Board concerning some proposed WAC changes. A discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
  5. The AAC will draft a letter to the faculty requesting suggested improvements in the trimester calendar.