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AAC Minutes Listed

Posted on Feb 23, 2001

Feb. 5, 2001

1. The minutes of the Jan. 29, 2001 AAC meeting were

2. Dean Sorum presented a draft of the strategic plan for
the College.

Feb. 12, 2001

1. The minutes of the January 5, 2001 AAC meeting
were corrected and approved.

2.The AAC met with the Freshman Preceptorial
Review Group to discuss the draft of “Rethinking the
First-Year Preceptorial.”

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McLean Speaks on Hudson Painters

Posted on Feb 23, 2001

Robert T. McLean, art gallery proprietor, will speak on
“The Hudson River School Painters” on Wednesday, Feb. 28, at 7 p.m.
in the Nott Memorial.

His talk is the fifth in the six-part seminar series, “The
Hudson River: From the Wilderness to the Sea,” sponsored by
Environmental Studies and the Association for the Protection of
the Adirondacks.

Singer and folk historian George Ward will present the
final event in the series — “Folk Music Along the Hudson” _ on
Wednesday, March 7, at 7 p.m. in the Nott Memorial.

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Taylor is Next to Speak in Philosophical Phridays

Posted on Feb 23, 2001

Richard Taylor, professor emeritus, the University
of Rochester and Union College, will speak on “Abortion, Mercy
Killing and Infanticide: the Singer Revolution” on Friday, Feb. 23,
at 4:30 p.m. in Schaffer Library.

The Department of Philosophy's five-part series
— Philosophical Phridays @ Schaffer Library — is taking
philosophy out of the classroom and bringing it to the public. Each
event features a noted philosopher on issues ranging from abortion
to the ethical complexities of international research. The
series is in honor of the 100th anniversary of the American
Philosophical Association.

The final talk of the series is on March 2 at 4:30 p.m.:
“Confronting Ethical Complexities in International Research” by
Angela Wasunna, the University of Mombassa, Kenya, and
visiting fellow at the Hastings Center.

For more information, call the Union College Department
of Philosophy at ext. 6376.

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Fon Storyteller to Perform Friday

Posted on Feb 23, 2001

Raouf Mama, a storyteller who specializes in stories from
the Fon region of Benin in western Africa, will give a performance
on Friday, Feb. 23, at 1:40 p.m. in Old Chapel.

The event, free and open to the public, is part of the
College's celebration of Black History Month.

Mama, a professor of English at Eastern
Connecticut State University, was born in Benin, educated at the
National University there, and received his graduate degrees at the
University of Michigan.

He is the author of Why Goats Smell Bad,
a collection of 20 folktales from the Republic
of Benin. As the former Kingdom of Dahomey, Benin was a
jumping-off point for the slave trade of the
17th century.

Mama's translated tales also have been published
by Storytelling Magazine, Parabola, Connecticut
and Facts and Fiction.

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Electoral Politics to End With ‘Election’

Posted on Feb 23, 2001

“Dianne Feinstein,” “John McCain” and “Jesse Ventura”
will square off in a no-holds-barred debate on Wednesday, Feb. 28,
at 5 p.m. in Reamer Auditorium.

And by the end of the day, one will be elected
“Simulated President” (SimPres for short)
by members of the “American public”— that is, anyone
who shows up to watch.

The debate and election are the culmination of a class
project for Electoral Politics with Prof. Zoe Oxley. Students this
term have been conducting an election, complete with position
papers, speeches, ads and press briefings.

The candidates are Christina Tremante as Feinstein,
Michael Vrakatitsis as McCain, and Max Braz as Ventura. And just
as students are playing the roles politicians, others will
portray journalists from real news organizations: Brooke
Crowder (New York Times), Brad Fisher (New York
), and Marcy Hersh (Mother Jones). The rest
of the students are on candidates' staffs.

All Union students, faculty and staff are invited to attend
the debate, and all will be asked to vote at the end.

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