Schenectady, N.Y. (May 15, 2001) – Offered drugs? Just say no. Offered sex? Just say no.
Offered liberal feminist pabulum that nurtures intellectual weaklings and
ne'er-do-wells? Just say Know! Jane
Curry will bring her one-woman show, “Just Say Know” to Union College's Nott
Memorial on Wednesday, May 23rd at 7 p.m.
“Just Say Know” is performance satire that explores the
impact of the use and misuse of science, the recurring nature of biological
arguments, and the back-to-the-classics movement on women in higher education.
The performance
runs approximately forty minutes in length followed by a discussion period.
While the performance centers on women's stories, history and experience as
they have navigated cultural norms and expectations, the shows are for
Jane Curry will
perform at Union College in celebration of 30 years of coeducation at the
college. She will also be speaking to students in Professor Andrea Foroughi's
Women in Modern America class on Thursday, May 24th.
The performance on
Wednesday is free and open to the public. For more information, call 388-7109.