Posted on May 25, 2001

May 14, 2001

  1. The minutes of the May 7, 2001 AAC meeting were approved.
  2. The AAC approved the following course and catalogue changes recommended by the Subcouncil on Courses and Programs:
    1. Courses granted permanent approval: PHY _ Science Research Miniterm in Sicily PSC 54 _ Politics of the Arab-Israeli Conflict ANT 101 _ Irish Society and Culture MLT 53 – Japanese Language and Culture MLT 52 – Japanese Sociolinguistics
    2. Approved the revisions of the American Studies Program.
    3. Approved the Mini-Term Abroad 130, Scotland for one time only.
    4. Approved dropping ESC 16 from the list of the Computer Science major requirements.
    5. Approved discontinuing the CIS major.
  3. The AAC continued a discussion of Civil Engineering. The committee was joined by FEC members Tom Werner and Steve Leavitt to discuss the formation and charge of an AAC subcouncil to examine the proposed changes in Civil Engineering.

The committee will consist of one student, one administrator, one CE faculty and three other faculty.

The committee members will be selected in consultation with the FEC.