In early winter, the Gift Committee Chairs began brainstorming for ideas as to what the Class of 2001 would contribute to the Union campus. The five final choices, on which the class voted via an e-mail ballot, included:
— a copper Minerva medallion
placed in Library Plaza;
— a brick walkway leading down
to Jackson's Garden;
— benches placed around the Nott Memorial and next to the flagpole;
— a clock, similar to the one in front of the Reamer Campus Center, placed at the corner of the Grant Hall Admissions Center;
— and contributing to the Class of 2000 Gift, the Seward Memorial, making it a gift from both classes.
By a landslide, the Class of 2001 chose the named brick walkway in Jackson's Garden. A formal announcement of the gift was made March 13 at the Annual Senior Wine and Cheese in the Nott. With more than 200 seniors in attendance, a rendering of the
project was unveiled, and the goals were outlined. Each member of the class was asked to make a gift of $20.01 to
Union; each would have a brick with his or her name placed in the walkway in
Jackson's Garden.
Because of the dedication of the Senior Gift Committee and participation by class members, the Class of 2001 was able to raise a record $12,442.48! This includes $6,960.37 from brick sales, $1,982.11 from the duck races and various contributions, a $1,500 pledge from the Parents' Fund, and a $2,000 partial match from President Hull. With 333, or seventy-one percent, out of a possible 466 students participating, the Class of 2001 was able to raise more money and have more students make gifts to Union than any previous senior class. The Office of Annual Giving would like to thank those who served on the Gift Committee, as well as all 333 members of the Class of 2001 who contributed to their Senior Gift. Please be sure to stop by the Class of 2001 Walkway the next time you visit campus.
Class of 2001 Senior Gift Committee
Marcy Schwarzwalder
Jess Stephens
Lauren Tabas
Jon Tower
Committee Members:
Taylor Blinn
Tumi Coker
Katie Comerford
Tania Magoon
Kara Mielcarz
Joanne Mumley
Ola Sawyerr
Elyse Topp-Poirier
Andrew Tsiropinas