Posted on Sep 13, 2001


The office of Victims of Crime has set up a hot line at 1-800-331-0075. If they have information about a specific person they will tell you, and if they do not know they will take information
from you and contact you when they do know about the person about whom you inquired. Most of the companies and departments that have offices
in the buildings that were attacked and the airlines have put information
on their web sites, but listed below are the most requested numbers:

American Airlines: 1-800-245-0999

United Airlines: 1-800-932-8555

Morgan Stanley: 1-888-883-4391

The Pentagon: 1-800-984-8523 or 1-703-428-0002

(Navy and Marine Personnel): 1-877-663-6772


Counselors will be available in Reamer 308 as well as in Silliman Hall Counseling Center located on the 3rd floor and Religious Programs in the basement of Silliman Hall. If you will be missing academic appointments, please contact the Dean's Office (6116 or 6061) and your instructor or advisor.


The Red Cross is currently overwhelmed by the number of donors that have come forward and they are encouraging us to postpone making donations. The Office of Student Activities is coordinating efforts with the Red Cross and we will organize a blood drive on campus in the
next 2-3 weeks to coincide with the needs of the Red Cross.


If you are aware of a person who has lost a family member or close friend please encourage him or her to seek counseling.

Resident Assistants, Theme House Managers, and Greek Presidents should inquire among their residents to make sure that everyone is all right. If you
know of a person who has lost someone near and dear, we would like to be
notified in the Dean's Office (6116 or 6061) so we can be aware of people who may need assistance.