Daniel O. Mosquera, assistant professor of
Spanish, participated in the Third International Congress on
the Sociology of Religion in Havana, Cuba (July 2001) and read
a paper “Religiosidad popular y subalternidad transhistórica,
el caso de los Reyes Magos.” in JALLA (Jornadas Andinas
de Literatura Latinoamericana) in Santiago, Chile (August 2001).
He will publish an essay-review in the coming November issue
of Chasqui titled “Nationalisms and Indigenous Uprisings:
Josefa Salmón's El espejo indígena:
el discurso indigenista en Bolivia 1900-1956 and Nicholas
Robins's El mesianismo y la rebelión indígena: `la rebelión de Oruro
en 1781 and El mesianismo y la semiótica indígena en el Alto
Perú: la gran revolución de
1780-1781” and a separate review of Xicoténcatl: An
Anonymous Historical Novel about the Events Leading Up to the Conquest of
the Aztec Empire.