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Ad hoc panels formed for six faculty members

Posted on Sep 28, 2001

Ad hoc committees have been formed to consider the tenurability of six faculty members: Davide Cervone,
mathematics; Presha Neidermeyer, Graduate Management Institute;
William Keat, mechanical engineering; Dianne McMullen,
performing arts; William Finlay, performing arts; and Edward Pavlic, English.

Members of the campus community wishing to
offer written or oral testimony about a candidate's teaching,
scholarship or college service should contact the chair of the
respective committee.

For Cervone, members are Brenda Johnson,
mathematics; Leslie Hull, chemistry; Ekram Hassib, electrical
engineering/computer science; and Alan Bowman, GMI, chair.

For Neidermeyer, Rudy Nydegger, GMI; David
Gerhan, Schaffer Library; Susan Niefield, mathematics; and Mark
Walker, history, chair.

For Keat, Ann Anderson, mechanical engineering;
Michael Rudko, electrical engineering/computer science;
Kenneth DeBono, psychology; and Harold Fried, economics, chair.

For McMullen, Louisa Matthew, visual arts;
Sigrid Kellenter, modern languages; Mohammad Mafi, civil
engineering; and Martin Strosberg, GMI, chair.

For Finlay, James McCord, English; Linda Cool,
anthropology; Barbara Danowski, biology; and Ruth Stevenson,
English, chair.

For Pavlic, Harry Marten, English; Karen Brison,
anthropology; Donald Rodbell, geology; and William Garcia,
modern languages, chair.

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Academic Affairs Council minutes listed

Posted on Sep 28, 2001

September 17, 2001
  1. Minutes
    – Approved as written
  2. C. Sorum material regarding raising standard
    for Dean's List
    – No action taken
  3. RASC Report & AAC – Plans
    – Logistical planning for AAC response
    – AAC task is to work out statement
  4. RASC Report & AAC – Discussion

    1. Technical trouble reading some appendices
    2. Explanation by K. Rosenthal on options
      presented by RASC Report
    3. Discussion of financial data
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Schenectady Symphony Orchestra performs Hilary Tann’s piece

Posted on Sep 28, 2001

“Fanfare For a River”
by Hilary Tann, professor of music, will have its area premiere
on Wednesday, Oct. 3 at 7:30 p.m. at Proctor's Theater, when
the Schenectady Symphony Orchestra opens its 2001-02 season.

The program, titled “Schenectady's Favorite
Artists,” also includes the music of Bizet and Bruch.

Tann's work, a National Endowment for the Arts
commission, was first performed by the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra
in January as part of their “Fanfares for a New Millennium” series.

Student tickets are available. For more information,
call Proctor's Theater.

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Fund to aid victims of 9-11-01 attacks

Posted on Sep 28, 2001

Human Resources is coordinating a “September 11th Fund”
to support organizations responding to victims of the terrorist attacks.

“Loose Change For Liberty” canisters have been placed
throughout campus. Donations also may be made to Human Resources.
Call ext. 6108 for details.

Meanwhile, the “Message in a Bottle” program organized
by Alumni Relations and Dining Services, donated 7,500 bottles
of Union College water (and messages) to rescue workers.

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Mark Stokes recalled as teammate, friend

Posted on Sep 28, 2001

Members of the Union community recalled Mark
Stokes for his quiet and thoughtful nature, his strong passion for football,
and his “extravagant and wild” tee shirt collection at a memorial service
on Tuesday.

Stokes, a junior sociology major and starting defensive
end on the College's football team, died Sept. 17 as a result of an
automobile accident.

The football team dedicated Saturday's 42-6 victory
over Hobart, and the rest of their season, to the New Milford,
N.J., man.

President Roger Hull announced the establishment of
the Mark Stokes '03 Scholarship, to benefit students who best
embody Mark's character.

Football Coach John Audino recalled the time he met Stokes on
a recruiting trip, the athlete's high school coach advising, “He's
not going to say too much, but you'll see by the look in his eye that
he means business.”

“Three or four weeks later, Mark called and said
simply, `Coach, I'm coming,'” Audino said. “It was black and white with
Mark. There were no gray areas.”

Audino praised Stokes for his commitment to academics, to
the football team and coaches and to his family and friends. “He was
one of those guys who did everything he said he would do, and he
always did the right thing.”

Teammate Tony Metz '03 recalled Stokes' enthusiasm
for football and his ability to “make a three-hour practice seem like
10 minutes.” Metz also paid tribute to his teammate's “extravagant
and wild tee shirt collection,” which he often wore at weightlifting sessions.

Mike Rosenthal '03 recalled “the best friend I made at
Union” and the times they spent in dining halls, saying simply, “He loved
to eat.” Rosenthal also described Stokes' trademark form
of congratulations to teammates after a big play: “You're the worst!”

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