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Academic Affairs Council minutes listed

Posted on Oct 12, 2001

Oct. 1, 2001
  1. Minutes from Sept. 24 approved.
  2. RASC Report Discussion:
    1. Discussion of 3A; vote to not consider it.
    2. Discussion to recommend a binary option; vote to recommend failed.
    3. Discussion to remove RASC options; vote passed to remove option 5
      (vote 5-4).
    4. Vote to add any more options; adding proposal “4-5-6” voted down.
  3. Discussion to rank options; voted not to rank.
  4. Discussion to select one option; voted not to recommend.
  5. Approved recommendation that FEC institute preferential voting.
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Fans register for Coast Guard game

Posted on Oct 12, 2001

Due to heightened security measures in the wake of
the September 11 terrorist attacks, all spectators at the the
Union football game at United States Coast Guard Academy on Oct.
20 in New London, Conn., must be registered on a “gate list” with
the Academy.

Anyone not on the list will be prohibited from campus.

If you are planning to attend the game, call the Athletics
Office at ext. 6284 to register.

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Forum discusses views after attacks

Posted on Oct 12, 2001

The College is hosting a forum titled “The Global
Crisis: Reality vs. Perceptions” on Monday, Oct. 15, at 7 p.m. in
the Nott Memorial.

Presenters are to include Mokhtar Magraoui, a local
Islam imam, and Michelle Angrist of political science.

Sponsored by Schenectady County Embraces
Diversity (SCED), the program is to provide political, historical
and religious perspectives on the impact of the terrorist attacks.

It will be followed by a five-week series of community
study circles on terrorism and its effects. For more information, call
SCED at 393-5000.

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Vote on engineering resources tallied

Posted on Oct 12, 2001

Thirty-four percent of faculty found it “acceptable” to phase
out the College's civil engineering program, while 58 percent found
it “unacceptable” to do so in a recent vote on the resource needs
in engineering.

A total of 205 faculty voted; 18 (9 percent) abstained.

Among other options on the ballot, 23 percent found
acceptable (68 percent unacceptable) an option that would reduce the size
of faculty salary increases (Option 2); 40 percent (51 percent
unacceptable) a proposal to increase the number of students by 1.4
percent (Option 3); 56 percent (36 percent
unacceptable) a smaller increase of students combined with
early retirement (Option 4); 33 percent (58 percent
unacceptable) a combination of smaller cuts among various programs, early
retirements and lab fees (Option 5); and 57 percent (35 percent
unacceptable) reducing the number of CE faculty and assessing a lab
fee (Option 6).

On a breakdown of preference, 37 percent indicated that Option
6 was their first choice; 23 percent listed Option 1; 18 percent,
Option 4; 6 percent, Option 3; 4 percent, Option 5; and 2 percent, Option 2.

The College's Board of Trustees is to consider the issue
at its meeting on Friday.

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Feigenbaum Forum set for Tuesday

Posted on Oct 12, 2001

Armand V. and Donald S. Feigenbaum, leading
authorities on Total Quality Management, are to participate in the
sixth annual Feigenbaum Forum on Tuesday, Oct. 16, at 3:30 p.m.
in the Conference Room in Feigenbaum Hall.

This year's program is subtitled “The Plan for
Union: Implementing Change at a College.”

Panelists also include President Roger Hull;
Robert Balmer, dean of engineering; Christie Sorum, dean of
the faculty; and Fred Alford, dean of students.

The program is to be followed by a reception
with faculty and staff at 5 p.m. in the Nott Memorial
commemorating the 50th anniversary of
the publication of Armand's book that introduced the concept
of total quality management.

The Feigenbaums, members of Union's Classes of 1942
and 1946, respectively, are founders of General Systems Company
in Pittsfield, Mass. The company designs and implements
integrated management systems for major corporations and
organizations throughout the world.

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