The College's Web-based campus tour was awarded a bronze medal in the Council for Advancement and Support of Education's District II Accolades Awards program under the “Student Recruitment Sites” category.
Judges cited the tour's unusual use of Javascripting,
its informative images, a campus map that lets the visitor drag a
rectangular “magnifying glass” to
enlarge any spot, and aerial photos of the campus.
To view the site, visit the following URL:
The Rutgers University Admissions site received a
silver medal, the only other award given in the category.
The Union tour and other parts of the Union Web site
are designed and maintained by Tom Smith, Web site director;
Erik EspaƱa, Web programmer, and Roxanne de Hamel-Porto,
Web coordinator.
The award is to be presented this weekend at the CASE
District II conference in Toronto.