Posted on Mar 12, 2002

Calling the initiative “back to the future,” John Kelly, senior vice president and group executive of the IBM Technology Group, embraced the College's new multidisciplinary Converging Technologies program by
announcing on Friday a $1 million gift from IBM that will give students and
faculty access to the latest technology.

“The launch of Converging Technologies is another example of the very positive steps forward the College is taking,” he said.

“Perhaps more than anything, we hope that what will come out of this grant are future leaders who will come out of this College – multidisciplinary leaders – who will contribute to this country and to companies like IBM.”

“I think that Converging Technologies is something 'back to the future' for Union,” he said. “This is a very unique institution. From it's founding in 1795, it has been a truly unique blend of liberal arts, sciences and engineering.”

“It is our hope that the donation we're making today will serve as a tremendous support mechanism and fuel the fire of this new Converging Technologies initiative.”