Posted on May 10, 2002

Alan Taylor, Marie Louise Bailey Professor of Mathematics, delivered the annual Harry M. Gehman Lecture at the meeting of the Seaway Section of the Mathematical Association of America. Taylor was chosen as the 35th lecturer to receive the honor. Taylor's lecture, delivered to an audience of 200, was partially based on his paper “The Manipulability of Voting Systems,” which appeared as the lead article in the most recent issue of the American Mathematical Monthly, the most widely-read mathematics journal in the world. Manipulability is also the subject of Taylor's upcoming book, due to be published by Cambridge University Press early next year. His last book, The Win-Win Solution (co-authored by Steven J. Brams and published by Norton), has just been translated into Korean. Previous translations have appeared in Spanish, Japanese, and Portuguese, with Chinese and Russian translations under way. Taylor is also serving as a Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer, with talks this year in New Jersey, Connecticut, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.