Posted on May 16, 2002

SCHENECTADY, NY (May 16, 2002) – After a year hiatus, the Fashion Show of Support has been re-established as one of the most popular Union College traditions. The Show will be held Thursday, May 16, at 8pm in Memorial Chapel.

Seniors Katie Butterfield and Thayer Whipple are the co-chairs of this event and there are approximately sixty members of the various subcommittees. All proceeds from ticket sales and donations benefit Camp Miracles and Magic, a foundation established by a Union College family. Camp Miracles and Magic is a safe, fun, traditional camp experience for children infected and affected by AIDS.

Tonight's event will be hosted by two sets of seniors: Sarah Ellman and Neil Routman, and Bobby Ndu and Emily Wood. Sarah, Neil, Bobby, Emily, and all of the “runway representatives” were cho-sen because of their superior leadership and dedication to campus life. These exemplary students, leaders, athletes, and role models were recognized through a campus-wide nomination process, ensuring that every aspect of campus life is represented. Biographies of the participants are below.

“Through the years” is the theme; from flapper dresses to poodle skirts, to leisure suits and much more, styles from each decade will be modeled in the first half of the show. The second half features today's hottest styles from Todd Oldham, Marc Jacobs, Cool Change, Mark Shale, Calvin Klein, The Monogram Shops (Shoshanna, Millie, Breuer, and Vineyard Vines), Aggie's, Fantasy Bridal, TSX, New York Gear, and Structure.

Tickets are on sale in the Campus Center for $5, or can be purchased at the door for $7.

Runway Representatives / Masters of Ceremonies Biographies

AJ Bernardi '03 was named this spring to the UCAA All-Academic team for lacrosse. He was the rush chairman for Theta Delta Chi fraternity last fall. AJ is a history major, and was accepted into the 5 year accelerated MBA program at Union for Health Systems Administration.

AJ Bodden '03 is the Student Director of Community Outreach Programs for Union College and a member of Theta Delta Chi Fraternity. AJ has played football for the past three years. He is a member of the Student Conduct Committee, a Gatekeeper, and works at Chet's.

Seth Burrows '02 has been a representative to the Inter-Fraternity Council, the Student Forum, and the Academic Affairs Committee. Seth played varsity baseball for 2 years.

Ioana Calin '02 is a member of Campus Action. She is also a tutor in local schools and works at the local Boys and Girls Club. Ioana spent a term abroad in Cuernavaca, Mexico in the Winter of her Junior year.

Adam Cappel '02 is the Senior Trustee, which is a two-year position. He is a member of Chi Psi fraternity and the Co-Editor Emeritus of the Garnet Yearbook.

Doug Christiansen '02 has played Varsity Ice Hockey for four years. He is an active participant in Big Brothers/Big Sisters and a brother of Chi Psi fraternity.

Allison Cohen '02 has been an orientation advisor for three years. In her freshman year, she was the coxswain for the crew team. Allison has been a gatekeeper all four years and was the coordinator in her junior year. She has been the Secretary, Activities Chairwoman, and Sister to Sister Representative for Sigma Delta Tau sorority. Allison is the Treasurer for the 2002 Fashion Show of Support.

Melinda Colon '02 is a four-year letter winner for Varsity Volleyball and Varsity Softball and has won many athletic and academic honors for those teams. She recently presented her senior thesis, at the Steinmetz Symposium “The Political Impact of NAFTA: The El Paso-Ciudad Juarez Case,” for which she was awarded a grant to travel to that region to conduct her research. Melinda has spent several terms as a class representative on the Student Forum, works in Student Activities, and is a member of Sigma Delta Tau sorority.

Brian Colantropo '02, in the year 2001-2002, has been the Student Forum President, Interfraternity Council President, and the President of Chet's. He has been the corresponding secretary and social chairman for Theta Delta Chi fraternity, and is currently the co-director of the annual Big Broth-ers/Big Sisters Youth Olympics.

Tim Crowell '02 is very involved with the music scene on campus, and has been a crucial leader of both Concert Committee and Springfest Committee. He spent the fall of his junior year in Kenya, was the President of the Freshman class, and played two years of varsity lacrosse.

Amie Csiszer '02 is the captain of the varsity women's crew team. She was voted Oarswoman of the year in 1999, received the Coaches Award in 2001. She was a founding member of the Symposium. Amie is a biology and anthropology double major, and is graduating Phi Beta Kappa. She will begin Tufts Veterinary School in the Fall.

Blair Debes '02 is a sociology major, and recently presented her research at the Steinmetz Symposium. She volunteered and held an internship at a few nursing homes while studying group music therapy and Alzheimer's disease. Blair is a member of the event planning and model selection committees for this year's Fashion Show.

Katharine DelSavio '03 is a member of the Newman Club, and devotes significant time to Big Brothers/Big Sisters. She sings in the Union College Choir and works in the bookstore.

Sarah Ellman '02 was this year's captain of the Union Swimming and Diving team. She was the NYSWCAA 1-m champion in 2002, the NYSWCAA 3-m champion in 2001, and the UCAA diver of the meet in 2000. Sarah has made the UCAA all-academic team and the NYSWCAA all-academic team for the past three years. She has been a representative to the Student-Athlete Committee since 2000. Sarah is a member of Psi Chi, the National Honors Society for Psychology, an orientation advisor, and the risk manager for Sigma Delta Tau sorority.

Rebecca Falzano '03 is the co-President of Safe Space, the First Vice-President of G.E.T. Aware, and the News Editor of the Concordiensis. She is a member of Psi Chi, the Psychology Honor Society, a Union Scholar, and an Ambassador. Rebecca is the Membership Education Vice President of Gamma Phi Beta sorority.

Sarre Gellar '04 was recently the recipient of the Wendy Bernstein Memorial Award, which is given to the sophomore who demonstrates exemplary service to the school. She was the President of the Freshman class, of the Sophomore Class, and is now the Vice President of Administration on the Stu-dent Forum. She is a mentor in the SHINE program at Hamilton High School, a gatekeeper, and a bartender at Chet's.

Matt Gerien '04 is the Vice President of Finance for the Student Forum and the Secretary of the InterFraternity Council. He is a member of the Student Alumni Association, a Gatekeeper, and a brother of Sigma Phi.

Lindsay Goodman '02 was the Panhellenic President for 2001-2002. She is a member of Sigma Delta Tau sorority, a member of the Student Activities Committee, and a Big Sister.

Liz Hutchison '04 is an EMT and is the secretary of UCEMS. She plays on Union's rugby team and is the junior class representative of Sigma Delta Tau sorority.

Victoria Keefe '03 is the Junior Trustee, and the PanHellenic President. She is a member of the Student Alumni Association and the Re-allocation Committee. Victoria volunteers for ROAR (reach out and read, and elementary school reading program) and is a member of Tri Delta sorority.

Leah MacLeod '02 is an Art major, and recently presented her senior project; the exhibit of her paintings was entitled “Ocean's Eleven”. She is a member of the ceramics club and designed the advertisements and the cover of the program for this year's Fashion Show. Leah spent the spring term of her junior year in Florence, Italy.

Genevieve Mbamalu '02 was the recipient from 2000-2002 of the Franklin L. Fero Memorial Scholarship Fund. This spring she earned the Meritorious College Service Award. Genevieve is a senior intern in the admissions office, a member of USTAR, a computer consultant, an orientation advisior, and a member of the senior gift committee. In her senior year, she has been a program assistant with student activities and was in the winter play, Romeo and Juliet.

Jeb Moore '03 hosts a weekly show on WRUC and has held the positions of Social Chaiman, Scholarship Chairman, and Intramural Chairman for Chi Psi fraternity. He has volunteered for NHDA, at the MacGregor state prison, and is a substitute teacher.

Leah Nero '02 is the Vice-President of Pi Sigma Alpha, the Political Science Honor Society and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society. She was a delegate at The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Leah is a steering committee representative for the Union Scholars Program and a community service coordinator for the Newman Club. She has spent this past year as a senior intern in the Union admissions office. Leah has contributed to publications such as The Idol Literary Magazine, The Aleph International Programs Journal, & the Minerva Review Intercollegiate Literary Journal. Leah is a tutor for the Academic Opportunity Program, a member of the Spanish Club, College Democrats, and was an Orientation Advisor.

Bobby Ndu '02 is an Obenzinger Scholar. He is the Vice President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and previously spent two years as President. Bobby was the Parliamentarian of ALAS (African and Latino Alliance of Students) for two years.

Kristina Osborne '02 is a member of Psi Chi, the Psychology Honors society. She recently pre-sented her research, “Prosocial Behavior in Preschool Children: The Influence of Temperament and Parenting Styles” at the Steinmetz Symposium. Kristina has volunteered in a variety of community service activities on and off campus, and was the philanthropist for Sigma Delta Tau sorority.

Andy Palumbo '05 is the freshman class vice president. He is a Union Scholar, the promotions manager for WRUC, and plays intramural soccer, volleyball, and softball. Andy was recently asked to join the Capital District human rights commission.

Mike Ranfone '02 has played four years of Varsity Football. He has made the UCAA All-League and All-Academic teams. He is a member of Omicron Delta Epsilon, the National Honor Society for Economics.

Neil Routman '02 is a Managerial Economics major and a Chinese minor. He was a representative on the Student Conduct Committee, has been the world news editor for the Concordiensis, and the President of Union College Democrats.

Jim Schremser '02 has served as the Secretary, Treasurer, and President of the Golf Club during his years at Union. He has held the positions of Rush Chairman, Steward, and Vice President of Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Jim is a member of Sigma Delta Pi, the Spanish Honor Society, and has played on the Club Hockey team and many intramural teams.

Adam Schwaber '03 is the Junior Class Vice President. He is a member of the SAC and the Student Conduct Committee. Adam has been an orientation advisor in past years and is currently on the ori-entation committee. He also is a pole vaulter on the Union College track team.

Katrina Tentor '03 is a member of the Orientation Committee for the Class of 2006. She has ex-celled in the dance program offered at Union. Katrina is the Treasurer of G.E.T. Aware, Membership Vice-President and former President of Gamma Phi Beta sorority, and spent three years as the Editor in chief of the Concordiensis. She also is a Gatekeeper, an Ambassador, and sings in the Choir.

Sanskriti Thakur '02 is the President of G.E.T. Aware and one of the founders, too. She has been a member of the Committee on Sexual Misconduct and the 2002 recipient of both the President's Commision on the Status of Women Award and the Meritorious Service Award. Sanskriti won the Julian Hoffman Visual Arts and Science Honors Award in 2001. She was a Watson Finalist this past winter and has been a member of the Dance Team and a participant in the Junior Achievements Program.

Michelle Torres '02 has been a member of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national Political Science honor society for three years. Michelle is a Head Resident Advisor, a STEP Program Mentor, and the President of the Speaker's Forum. Next year she will complete her MBA degree at Union.

Emily Wood '02 was inducted to Psi Chi, the national honor society for Psychology, in April 2001. She has been the author of the women's studies newsletter since September of 1998 and the editor of The Idol from Sept '99-June '01. Emily spent a year as a volunteer at The Bridge Center, a residental drug rehabilitation center. She represented Delta Delta Delta sorority on the Panhellenic council from January through June of 2001. She was an actor in Romeo and Juliet this past winter.

Allison Brant '02 has been in charge of clothing for the Fashion Show
both this year, and in 2000. She has been the President, First Vice
President, and Philanthropy Chair of Sigma Delta Tau sorority.