Posted on May 16, 2002

Schenectady, N.Y. (May 16, 2002) – In celebration of Women's Health Awareness Month several Union College and community organizations will gather in front of the Reamer Campus Center to promote awareness of various women's health issues. The
event runs Thursday, May 23, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and is free and open to the public.

Union College groups involved in the fair include Safe Space, G.E.T. AWARE, Womyn's Union and Union College Health Services.  Several external organizations (Planned Parenthood, the YWCA, the American Cancer Society, the Girl Scouts and St. Clare's Hospital) have volunteered to set up informational tables.

Each group involved will cover a unique topic related to women's health, ranging from looking at cytology slides through a microscope, to learning how to give a breast self-examination, sexual assault awareness, and reproductive health.

The Women's Health Fair at Union is sponsored by the Obenzinger Scholars and is open to women and men of all ages from the Capital Region. For more information, call Fred Papali at 388-8226.