Posted on May 17, 2002

Thomas Hoffman, former professor of electrical
engineering, died May 8 at his home in Daytona Beach, Fla. He was 78.

Hoffman, a native of White Plains, N.Y., served in the
Navy during World War II and graduated from Union in
1945. He joined the Union faculty in 1946, left in 1950, and returned
in 1954, retiring in 1979. He moved to Florida and worked for
the General Electric Co. for 10 years. While at Union he taught
at foreign universities three times – the University of
Alexandria, Egypt; Chiao Tung University, Taiwan; and the University
of Canterbury, New Zealand.

He was a deacon and elder at the First Presbyterian Church
in Daytona Beach, and was on the Board of Directors of
Serenity House, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility, and
the Volusia/Flagler Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse.