Posted on Jun 7, 2002

Chemistry has been well represented by students
and faculty at recent national conferences.

Three students – Rachel Bukowski '02, Natasha Eckert
'02 and Jamie Iannacone '03 – received the Celebrating
Diversity in Analytical Chemistry travel awards to participate in the
53rd annual Pittsburgh Conference & Exhibition on Analytical
Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. Each presented a poster on
her summer or senior research projects.

Four faculty and 10 students attended the national meeting
of the American Chemical Society, a meeting in which Prof.
Tom Werner received the ACS award for research at an
undergraduate institution. A total of 14 presentations from Union were
given including talks by professors Michael Hagerman and
Jim Adrian, 10 posters on faculty-student research, and one
on Chemistry Club activities.

Students attending were Pavankumar
Bommasamudram `02, Rachel Bukowski `02, Natasha Eckert `02, Alicia Every `02,
George Kosturko `02, Andrew Leyhane `02, Amy Payeur `04, Desirée
Plata `03, Ian Saratovsky '02 and Yuriy Uvaydov '02.