Posted on Aug 1, 2002

Boston, MA

Young alumni of the Boston area gathered on March 14th to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. More than 100 alumni were in attendance to mingle with friends and former classmates over cocktails at Clery's in Boston.

On April 11th President Roger Hull joined over 100 alumni and friends in Boston's Financial District at the Harvard Club to present “Union Today and Union Tomorrow.” He discussed the recent improvements the college has made to Union and the surrounding community. The President also shared some exciting innovations, including changes to the curriculum that will carry the College
into the next century.

A number of alumni also met for the first seminar of a planned series on “Preparing for Retirement” on April 24th. The group heard about the experience of recently retired Vince Guerra, MD '55 and his wife, Joline. He spoke about medical conditions afflicting this age group, and identified future topics for discussion. The next meeting will take place in September.

Dallas, TX

Union College alumni and friends welcomed springtime with a Wine Tasting at Dallas' Wine Broker. It was the first official event held by the Union College Alumni Club of Dallas. Alumni of all ages and classes mixed and mingled as they listened to a lecture on wine and sampled a range of fine vintages from three continents and five countries.

Hartford, CT

On April 30th the New Britain Museum of American Art closed for the evening and opened its doors exclusively for Union's Hartford area alumni to hear President Hull's presentation, “Union Today and Union Tomorrow”. After hearing about the exciting changes taking place at Union, the group enjoyed special exhibits as well as works in the permanent collection that ranged from photography to sculpture.

New York City

In May a group of New York City area alumni of all ages gathered at the
Cornell Club to begin structuring a formal New York City Alumni Club and discuss ideas for future events. The proposed
ideas included everything from theatre
to sporting events. New Yorkers should watch their mailboxes for alumni events beginning this fall!

Philadelphia, PA

On May 3rd and 4th 18 alumni joined Union's Pre-Health society to talk to students who are interested in pursuing careers in health professions. The weekend's events are best summarized by the comments of a student in attendance; she said, “I can't believe how much I learned and the many options I have to consider for the next few years. Also, the contacts I made at the dinner were wonderful. The alumni were so willing to talk and be contacted in the future. I really learned a lot from them. When I told my mom about my weekend, she said that she hadn't heard me so excited about anything in a long time. She could tell how much I wanted to pursue medicine…these trips really add a lot to the College.”

Schenectady, N.Y.

On April 17, over 100 Union alumni and friends had the opportunity to attend a performance by the Miami City Ballet at Schenectady's Proctor's Theater. Edward Villella, Founding Artistic Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Miami City Ballet and recipient of an honorary degree from Union College, gave a wonderful pre-performance talk. The evening event began with a reception.

A spring luncheon was held at the Mohawk Golf Club, with over 50 people attending. Mike Saccocio '84, Director of the Schenectady City Mission, spoke about the Mission and its goals and achievements.

On June 18, approximately 50 alumni and friends attended a picnic at the Reamer Student Center overlooking beautiful Jackson's Garden. This annual spring picnic is the finale to a wonderful year of alumni activities and features delicious food and great conversation.

At year-end, club membership stands
at 261.

Washington, D.C.

On May 15th more than 30 local alumni, a number of whom spent a semester in Washington, mixed with 19 interns at the annual Reception for Union interns, which was held in the posh hearing room of the House Agricultural Committee in the Longworth Building. It was a balmy evening and the gathering quickly
spilled out on the balcony overlooking Constitution Avenue and the flood lit Capitol Building. Political Science professor John Zumbrunnen, mentor for this year's spring semester in Washington program, spoke briefly about the development of the program and where the students are working. Katie Yohay, daughter of Steve Yohay '67, cut a large birthday cake honoring Minerva and the 201st birthday of Union worthy William Seward, Lincoln's Secretary of State.