Among the many alumni and friends who support the College are those who do so in their financial or estate planning.
To say “thank you” during their lifetimes, Union established the Ramée Circle Society to recognize and show our appreciation for their thoughtfulness. We periodically list their names in College publications, invite them to special events on campus, and list them in a distinctive honor roll in the Reamer Campus Center.
Enrollment in the Ramée Circle is open to any person who has included Union in their will, trusts, life insurance provisions, pooled life income funds, charitable gift annuities, or other such arrangements. If you would like to join this distinguished society, please contact our Gift Planning Office (1-518-388-6156 or toll free
1-888-843-4365 ext. 6156) or e-mail Alice Marocco at Our deep appreciation to all the following members (italics indicates deceased; names in bold are new members since the Winter 2001 magazine listing):
- Thomas C. '63 & Susan S. Ackerman
- Clark Alberts '44
- A. Melcher '45 & Shirley M. Anderson
- Richard W. Angle '38
- John I. Argersinger '35
- Richard L. '58 & Geraldine Argyle
- Isabel K. Arms
- Robert D. Arnold '41
- Arminé G. Aroian
- James A. Baar '49
- William C. Bachtel '70G
- Richard M. Baird '30
- Richard I. '29 & Lorraine H. Barstow
- Avery J. '42 & Lois W. Beer
- Harry J. Benedict '57
- Philip R. Beuth '54
- William C. '42 & Geraldine M. Birdsall
- Harold R. Boroson '45
- Allen C. Braemer '52
- Howard B. Braman '61
- Peter R. Brayton '72
- Richard L. Brickley '41
- Reginald L. Brooks '26
- Edwin A. Brown
- Wendell L. '48 & Jane Bryce
- Mrs. Gary R. Burch
- Frank M. & Angela F. Calabria
- Elizabeth B. Carrick
- August E. '46 & Winifred Cerrito
- D. Vincent Cerrito '32
- H. Milton Chadderdon '33
- Gregory S. '75 & Kathleen G. '75 Clear
- Morris Marshall Cohn '24
- Myron J. Cohn '32
- Quintin P. Cole '40
- Dan R. '35 & Emily Conlon
- Herbert R. & Charlotte L. Cooper
- James M. Corbin '34
- John Cotton
- George F. Cox '26
- Lee L. Davenport '37
- Richard G. '39 & Elisabeth B. Day
- Lyall Dean '43
- Andrew C. DeHont '51
- Christopher H. Demos '46
- Patrick A. DiCerbo '88
- James Dickson '35
- Horace E. Dodge III '46
- John D. '44 & Margaret A. Don
- André R. Donikian '65
- Robert N. Downer '66
- Bruce O. Downsbrough '75
- Kevin J. Dulin '69
- Max J. Eisner '41
- Robert B. Enemark '50
- James E. '49 & Marion C. Enright
- Robert P. Ericson '41
- Robert D. '37 & Margaret F. Everest
- George V. Exner '52
- Aaron Feinsot '45
- John M. Ferguson '59
- Virginia M. Fisher
- Hugh F. '36 & Renate Fitch
- Roland V. '43 & Nancy D. Fitzroy
- Jonas '31 & Edith Fleminberg
- Donald M. Foster '47
- Herbert O. '39 & Jean M. Fox
- Norman W. '43 & Helen M. Fox
- Frederick S. Frank '57
- Robert W. Frelick '41
- Moey Leo Friedman '42
- Ernest B. '56 & Margery P. Gardow
- Rodney W. Gartner '51
- David R. '51 & Delphine W. Gaskill
- Carl J. & Gail W. George
- Charles A. Gilmore, Jr. '36
- Julian M. & Donna Mae Gokhale
- Abbott H. Goldenkoff '31
- Gordon Gould '41
- Stephen H. Gow '35
- John L. Grant '45
- Steven K. Griffiths '49
- Robert E. Groundwater '43
- Hedda Hainebach
- Michael A. Halperson '68
- William H. '45 & Eleanor P. Hamilton
- William B. '80 & Winifred Hancock
- Joseph K. '52 & Mary Jane Handler
- Robert A. Hanley, Jr. '48
- Robert W. Hanson '40
- Paul L. Harkess '86G
- Clemens F. Hathaway '35
- James W. Haviland '32
- Donald C. Hawkes, Jr. '37
- Frank E. Heaney '50
- Evelyn R. Heyer
- Albert K. '46 & Perrie J. Hill
- Joseph M. '47 & Barbara B. Hinchey
- Codman Hislop '31
- Frederick J. Hollister '32
- Alice Holmes
- Douglas G. Horan '67
- Walter L. '37 & Annette Horstman
- Lewis I. Horwitz '33
- Charles V. Howe '50
- Henry L. Howe III '43
- Robert B. Howe '58
- Wallace R. '37 & Margaret C. Hughes
- Roger H. Hull
- Leonard C. '49 & Rosemary B. Humphrey
- Francis '43 & Marilyn J. Jankowski
- Ronald Q. Jennett '52
- William L. '40 & Virginia E. Johnson
- William V. Johnson '44
- Harlan B. '51 & Alice C. Juengling
- Warren O. Kamm '45
- Marvin Katz '37
- Kevin K. '79 & Maryalice Kilbourne
- Frederick A. & Eleanor G. Klemm
- Edwin D. Knight '45
- Mason '42 & Ruth Ann Kronick
- Philip W. Kuepper
- Paul E. Kummer '43
- Robert B. '43 & Muriel C. Lee
- Max Len '39
- Richard W. Lent '44
- James P. Lerner '78
- Edith S. Lessor
- Ronald H. Levine '55
- John P. '41 & June R. Lewis
- Charles J. Loew '62
- Charles D. Lothridge '44
- Arthur E. Lowenthal '41
- Paul K. Mader '50
- Charles T. Male, Jr. '36
- Theodore '43 & Joan M. Male
- William J. Male '38
- Mary A. Malicki '78
- David C. Mandeville '45
- John E. Mann '43
- Robert H. Marshall '67
- George E. Martin '50
- Chester T. Marvin '45
- A. Noble McCartney '41
- Alice W. McChesney
- David J. McClemens '64
- H. Richard McLane '58
- Francis C. '46 & Elizabeth N. McMath
- Seymour L. '44 & Jacqueline Meisel
- Frank L. '73 & Colleen Messa
- Michael B. Meyer '57
- Randolph W. Meyer '57
- Richmond F. Meyer '23
- Joseph E. '36 & Elizabeth C. Milano
- Karen Singer Miller '79
- John C.'34 & Virginia K. Moore
- Robert S. '76 & Jeanne Morette
- Scott Muirhead '68
- Kathryn L. Mullaney '74
- Grace E. Munzer
- Paul E. Newcomer '47
- George W. Norris '41
- Arthur D. O'Loughlin '60
- Gerald E. '52 & Colleen O'Loughlin
- Nathan & Romana Obenzinger
- C. Rolland & Dorothy C. Oswald
- James S. Page '65
- John O. '36 & Liselotte C. Page
- David W. Palmer '51
- Gordon H. '41 & Elizabeth H. Parker
- Sherman W. Parry '40
- Decendants of Jonathan Pearson
- Othniel A. Pendleton '33
- Robert J. '78G & Ann M. Perry
- Stanley G. Peschel '52
- Ralph H. '50 & Ruth P. Petrucci
- DeForest C. '29 & Charlotte Blandy Pitt
- Lyman G. Potter '46
- Gary K. Price '45
- Christine Isaacks Reilly '75
- James Reisman '61
- C. Malcolm Rhoades '35
- Paul Rieschick '74
- Richard E. '50 & Barbara J. Roberts
- Mildred B. Rojansky
- Allan N. Rumpf '51
- Virgil J. '35 & Margaret A. Sager
- Edgar A. '40 &
- Margaret D. Sandman
- Winston A. '41 & Janet A. Saunders
- Edwin W. Scantlebury '41
- Augusta A. Schwab
- Robert B. Scott '56
- Eugene M. Setel '50
- Robert J. Settzo '50
- Van der Bogert Shanklin '51
- Daniel J. Shapiro '44
- Mark A. Shapiro '77
- Kenneth B. '43 & Kathleen K. Sharpe
- Cindy W. Sipkin '76
- Donald Sirkin '49
- J. Jay '34 & Coletta S. Sitney
- Robert L. '35 & Jeanne L. Slobod
- Edward R. Smith '54
- Robert A. Smith '52
- Richard C. '37 & Marjorie L. Snyder
- Reuben Sorkin '33
- Frank R. '26 & Adelaide H. Stansel
- Albert H. Stevenson '36
- James A. Thompson '76
- Walter A. '33 & Amanda Thurber
- Donald R. Thurston
- Jerry L. '61 & Sandra W. Thurston
- Ellis W. Trombley '34
- Alexander M. '34 & Leila Turner
- Richard M. '44 & Glenise S. Tyndall
- J. Dawson Van Eps '28
- Roger C. Van Tassel '46
- Howard E. '42 & Betty Van Valkenburg
- Eugene P. Vehslage '49
- Alexandra G. Verrigni '85
- Armand D. Versaci '45
- William A. Waldron '35
- William Wallace III '47
- Sally A. Webster
- E. Glen '27 & Mildred S. Wells
- Robert V. & Cathie Wells
- Ellwood B. Wengenroth '35
- William M. '36 & Irene Wheeler
- Thornton W. Whipple '35
- Robert S. '44 & Ruth E. White
- Joyce M. Wiese
- A. Roland '44 & Constance H. Will
- Hugh Allen Wilson
- Arthur N. Yeates '44
- Alan Young '55
- Jeffrey G. Zorn '87