Friday, Sept. 27, 4 p.m.
Garis Field
Men's soccer vs. RPI
Friday, Sept. 27, through Monday, Sept. 30, 8 and 10 p.m.
Reamer Campus Center Auditorium
Film: Undercover Brother
Saturday, Sept. 28,1 p.m.
Bailey Field
Football vs. Hobart
Monday, Sept. 30, 6 p.m.
Mandeville Gallery, Nott Memorial
Ron Burch, curator of art and architecture for the New York State Museum,on “Putting Hindsight First: Collecting Now for the Future.” Part of the exhibit, “Unionania! Union College Souvenirs and Memorabilia,” which
runs through Oct. 13.
Tuesday, Oct. 1,7:30 p.m.
Nott Memorial
James B. Stewart, financial columnist, on “The Call to Duty: Leadership After September 11 and EnRon.”
First of the term in the Perspectives at the Nott lecture series.
Tuesday, Oct. 1, 7:30
Reamer Campus Center Auditorium
Commission presents Adam's Rib, part of the Women in the Movies film series.
Wednesday, Oct. 2, 4
Garis Field
Men's soccer vs. Potsdam
Thursday, Oct. 3, noon to 4 p.m.
Memorial Fieldhouse
Annual career festival sponsored by Becker Career Center
Thursday, Oct. 3, 4
Frank Bailey Field
Field Hockey vs.
Friday, Oct. 4, 4:30
Humanities 213
Fall Term Philosophy Colloquia presents
Laura Weed, College of St.
Rose, on “Quine and Chinese Philosophy:
Relativity, Indeterminacy, Anti-essentialism.”
Friday, Oct. 4, through Monday, Oct. 7, 8 and 10 p.m.
Reamer Campus Center Auditorium
Film: Sum of All Fears