Dan Lundquist, vice president for admissions and financial
aid, is soliciting input in the development of the College's logo, with
meetings to be announced in early May.
“I have been impressed with the level of interest that many
have expressed in the visual identity project and I want to include the
thoughts of any and all who wish to be involved,” he said.
The College collaborated with the Baltimore
design firm GCF to produce a new lead admissions publication, which recently
won a medal in a national competition. Out of that project came the idea to
begin developing a broader “visual identity” program for Union,
Lundquist said.
“In the absence of a logo – Minerva is the College seal – we
began developing one for marketing and communications purposes,” Lundquist
“We vetted several versions through small focus groups of
students, alumni, faculty, staff and trustees. Now, with much of the basic
design work completed, we are taking the process to the 'larger public' phase.
“We are happy to receive input and reactions before settling
on a final version.”
Comments may be sent to Lundquist or to the College's
Communications Office.
For more on the logo, and access to a feedback form, visit: http://www.union.edu/logo/