When one of the College web site's more popular features –
the webcam atop the F.W. Olin Center – was off line for a few days this week, more
than a few users let us know.
Gregg Roth, web systems manager, climbed a tall
ladder and fixed the problem by reconnecting the power cord. Now back in
working order, the webcam presents a refreshed photo every ten seconds from the
top of the Olin looking west across the courtyard toward Reamer and beyond. On
Thursday afternoon, Concordy staffers tested the webcam's resolution by putting
a large helium balloon out of their office's east window. The balloon was
clearly visible.
For the week of March 29, the Webcam got 242 unique visitors
and 2,073 hits. The week of March 22, it got 278 visits and 4,325 hits. The
camera is regularly in the top 50 pages visited on the Union web site, usually
between 43 and 46 in rank order, according to Tom Smith, web site director.
To see the webcam, visit: http://www.union.edu/webcam