Richard Misiaszek, a biochemistry major from Marcy, N.Y., was
co-salutatorian of Union College's Class of 2003.
The 1999 graduate of Holland Patent High School is the son of Richard and Carol Misiaszek of Marcy.
This fall, he will work on cancer research with the chemistry department
at New York University.
At Union, he was a member of the Chemistry Club, Pre-Health Professions Society,
and a participant in intramural ice and roller hockey. He also was a member of
the College's fly-fishing club.
He studied abroad on a Union program in Australia.
Also at Union, he conducted research with Prof. Peter Tobiessen on the grazing
patterns of zooplankton, and a project with Prof. Joanne Kehlbeck designing
molecules that mimic proteins in the human body.
This summer, Misiaszek will do research with a cardiologist and
geneticist as Masonic Medical Research Laboratories to investigate genetic
mutations that result in sudden cardiac death. He also did research last summer
at the laboratories.
He is considering medical school and a possible career in geriatrics or
cancer research.