Posted on Aug 19, 2003

In Saratoga Shakespeare’s production of “Taming of the Shrew” were (clockwise from top left) Spencer Christie ’01, a professional actor; Carly Hirschberg, an intern and sophomore theatre major; Patricia Culbert, actress, guest artist in residence at Union

The College
was well represented in Saratoga Shakespeare's production of “Taming of
the Shrew” in July. About 1,000 people attended each of the 10 evening
performances in Congress Park, according to William Finlay,
artistic director of the company and professor of theater at Union.

In the
production were Carly Hirschberg, an intern and sophomore theatre major; Sara
Friedman '98, stage manager, who works professionally as an equity stage
manager; actor Spencer Christie '01, a professional actor; Patricia Culbert, actress,
guest artist in residence at Union; and Elizabeth Halakan '02, a Union theatre
alumna who worked as development director for the company.

founded Saratoga Shakespeare in 2000. The plays, which feature professional
actors, have been well received by critics and youngsters alike.

The company's website is at: