The Trustee Nominating Committee of the Alumni Council will select up to three candidates to run in an alumni body election next spring for the position of alumni trustee.
The alumnus who is elected
will serve a four-year term through June 2008. Trustee Paul Wintrich'60 is eligible for reelection this year.
In addition, any graduate of
the College under the age of sixty-seven may run as a petition candidate. To do so, a
petition must be obtained from the Alumni Relations Office and signed by fifty alumni. The signed petition must be returned to the Alumni Office with:
- a recent 5 x 7 black and white, head and shoulders photograph;
- a brief biography;
- a statement from the candidate detailing why he or she wishes to serve as a trustee.
The material must be received at the College by Feb. 1, 2004. Petition candidates will automatically appear on the election ballot, if duly certified. Petitions may be requested from the Alumni Office, Union College, 807 Union St., Schenectady, N.Y. 12308 (1-888-the-idol,
ext. 6168).