The work of nearly 40 women
printers from around the nation will be showcased through Sunday, Dec. 7, at Union College's Mandeville Gallery in the Nott Memorial.
artists' reception and talk by the curator, Carol J. Blinn, will be on Thursday,
Sept. 18, 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the Nott Memorial.
Girl Printers: Talented Women Strut Their Stuff is an invitational show highlighting a sampling of
women printers' ephemera, printing, and book arts.
Gallery hours are Monday to Thursday 9
a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday noon to 5
p.m.; and Sunday noon to 10
Women have been working
with moveable type practically since its invention – a fact that may disabuse
the likely stereotyping of printing or typesetting as male-dominated fields. The
exhibit centers on interviews with women printers that were conducted by Blinn.
For nearly 20 years, she has been proprietor of the Warwick Press in Easthampton, Mass.
Blinn invites women
printers and exhibit visitors alike to “celebrate what we do best … make things
by hand and machine, needle and thread, computer and lead.”
The women discuss their love
for their art; their favorite tools; their individual methodology; the mentors
who have guided them; and their down-and-dirty, ink-under-the-fingernails,
ultimately triumphant mastery of often-recalcitrant shop machinery.
For more, visit: http://www.union.edu/gallery/Current.htm