Rebecca Brown,
author of Excerpts from a Family Medical
Dictionary, will read from her book and discuss a writer's relationship
with small press on Thursday, Oct. 9, at
7:30 p.m. in Union College's Nott Memorial.
Her talk, “The Small Press and the Writer: A Reading and Discussion with Rebecca Brown,” is free and open to the public. It is being held in conjunction with the exhibition, “Girl Printers: Talented Women Strut Their Stuff!” a show of the work of 37 women printers at the Mandeville Gallery in the Nott Memorial.
For more on the show, CLICK HERE.
The author of several novels and short
story collections, including The End of
Youth (City Lights 2003), The Gifts
of the Body (HarperCollins 1996) and Annie
Oakley's Girl (City Lights 1993), Rebecca Brown has been the recipient of
the Lambda Literary Award and the Boston Book Award for Fiction. Her books have
been translated into five languages, adapted for theatre and performed internationally.
The event is co-sponsored by the Minerva
Committee, the Department of English and the Women's Studies Program.
For more information contact the Mandeville
Gallery at (518) 388-6729.