Yulman Theater presents We Won't Pay! We
Won't Pay! by Dario Fo, directed by Prof. William Finlay, opening on Tuesday, Nov. 4.
play runs through Saturday, Nov. 8, at 8 p.m., with a closing show on Sunday, Nov. 9,
at 2
are $7 general admission, $5 for students, faculty and staff. For information,
call the box office at 388-6545.
is a recurring theme in works by Fo, according Ron Jenkins, who translated the
play and wrote program notes on the web site for the American Repertory Theater.
“His characters are not just hungry for food. They are hungry for dignity,
hungry for justice, and hungry for love. The protagonists are driven by their
collective hungers to break free from the constraints in which their poverty
has confined them. Their initial challenge to the laws of the 'free market' propels
them into a comic defiance of the laws of human reproduction. Men get pregnant,
women give birth to cabbages, and amniotic fluid becomes the source of a
gourmet meal. The mechanisms of farce become metaphors for liberation.
Slapstick confusion begets new ways of understanding the world.”
more on the play, visit the ART website at: http://www.amrep.org/past/wewontpay.html