The ways to measure a person's connection to his or her college include the statistical and the emotional.
In the former, we note that there were nearly seventy alumni events and activities during a recent year; that more than 6,000 alumni, parents, and friends participated; that the number of regional alumni clubs has risen from two to more than twenty; and that the number of alumni volunteering on behalf of Union has increased by more than 200 in the last two years.
The emotional category is more elusive, but it undoubtedly includes the sense of contemplation inspired when the alumnus visitor sees the setting sun touching the weather vane atop Memorial Chapel; the pride when a son or daughter decides to apply to Union as an “Early Decision” candidate; the smile that comes when the name “Union College” pops up in an unexpected way, as it did in a recent episode of “The Sopranos.”
The following pages describe some of the many ways alumni and college connect. We hope they inspire you to call or write the people in our Alumni Office, who are always happy to say, “Sure, we have room for one more.”
Representing Union
A number of alumni represented the College recently at presidential inaugurations at other institutions. They are:
Eugene Setel '50 at Medaille College in Buffalo, N.Y.
Brian Dearing '77 at Ripon College in Ripon, Wis.
Fred Longe '42 at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Dr. P.J. Fugazzotto '53 at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pa.
Dr. Wendell L. Bryce '48 at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y.
Nancy D. Grundman '87 at Fordham University in New York City
Kathy Mullaney '74 at Clarkson University in Potsdam, N.Y., and at Naropa University in Boulder, Colo.
Hon. A. James Dickinson '62 at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn.
Alumni Awards
Alumni Gold Medal Award – Presented by the Union College Alumni Council recognizing distinguished service to the College.
Special Appreciation Award – Presented to alumni to recognize service and unwavering loyalty to Union College and to the Alumni Council.
Distinguished Service to Union Award – Presented to alumni who have demonstrated exceptional commitment and loyalty to their alma mater and who have made significant and diverse contributions to the College over their lifetime.
Alumni Club Contacts
If you want to get involved in alumni club activities, here are the volunteers you can contact. And if your city isn't on the list, call the Alumni Office (518-388-6168) to see about starting your own club.
Albuquerque, N.M. Peter Castiglia '99, 8912 6th St., Albuquerque 87114; castiglia@alumni.union.edu
Boston, Mass. Kelly Schrade '99, Apartment 2, 21 Pleasant St., Newton 02459; schradek@hotmail.com; 617-527-5517 (h)
Chicago Lisa Tesarik '93, Apartment 1412, 1960 Lincoln Park West, Chicago, 60614; Lisa_tesarik@bankone.com; 773-975-9839 (h)
Connecticut Alissa Mayo '96, 10C Putnam Green, Greenwich 06830, Alissa.mayo@alumni.union.edu, 203-912-5983 (h)
Dallas, Texas Nelson Weil '76, 16651 Cleary Circle, Dallas 75248; Nlw72@comcast.net; 972-713-9750 (h)
Denver, Colo. Genevieve Graham '99, Apartment F26, 3250 Oneal Circle, Boulder 80301; grahamg@mail.alumni.union.edu
Kansas City, Mo. Ken Berlack '90, 5927 McGee St., Kansas City 64113; kberlack@hotmail.com; 816-363-7747 (h)
Las Vegas, Nev. Morton Silverman '49, 10593 Meadow Mist Ave., Las Vegas 89135; 702-363-2374 (h)
Los Angeles, Calif. Jim McGhee '82, 1981 Molino Ave., Long Beach 90804; mcghee@aol.com; 562-498-2233 (h)
Minneapolis, Minn. Bob Howe '58, 135 Chevy Chase Dr., Wayzata 55391; Howex001@umn.edu; 952-473-4323 (h)
Naples, Fla. Fred Brandt '47, Unit 201, 5985 Bloomfield Circle, Naples 34112; naplesbrandts@aol.com; 239-793-6323 (h)
New York City Kristen Zadourian '01, 302 Edgewood Ave., Westfield, N.J. 07090; kristenzadourian@hotmail.com; 908-232-2519 (h)
Philadelphia, Pa. Dina Stonberg '95, 210 Chestnut Parkway, Wallingford 19086; dinas@att.net; 484-361-5083 (h)
Pittsburgh, Pa. Joe Sawyer '66, PO Box 453, Sewickley 15143; jsawyer@fyi.net; 412-741-1924 (h)
Portland, Ore. Looking for volunteers. Please contact Marisa Caropreso in the Alumni Office or e-mail her at caroprem@union.edu
Rochester, N.Y. John Sciortino '81, Michele Sciortino '84, 1777 Scribner Rd., Penfield 14526; Scorch1100@aol.com; 585-377-0231 (h)
San Diego, Calif. Kevin Harkenrider '77, 11215 Monticook Court, San Diego 92127; kjhark@aol.com; 858-487-5969 (h)
San Francisco, Calif. Nish Nadaraja '94, Unit 10, 2875 21st St., San Francisco 94110; NNadaraja@alumni.union.edu; 415-642-6384 (h)
Sarasota, Fla. Norm Kreisman '47, 7935 Wood Point Court, Sarasota 34238; dotnorm@comcast.net or 941-923-7161 (h)
Schenectady Harold Krupa '69, 2330 Shirl Lane, Schenectady 12309; hjkrupa@nycap.rr.com; 518-377-6062 (h)
Seattle, Wash. Eve Ruff '77, 5809 Kensington Place North, Seattle 98103; emruff@comcast.net; 206-527-7032 (h)
Washington, D.C. Tom Johnson '62, 5107 Southampton Dr., Annandale, Va. 22003; assembly@erols.com; 703-425-7705 (h)
West Palm Beach/Miami, Fla. Ryan Smith '98, Megan Smith '99, 138 NW Willow Grove Ave., Port St. Lucie 34986; Ryan.t.smith@smithbarney.com; 772-344-4575 (h)
Sign up to help
Alumni who want to volunteer at the College have lots of opportunities. Here are a few:
Annual Fund
• Class Giving Chair
• Class Ambassador
• National Chair
• Terrace Council National Chair
• Leadership Chairs
• Phonathon Volunteer
Alumni Relations
• Class Correspondent
• Class Officer
• Alumni Council Representative
• Alumni Council Officer
• Club Officer
• ReUnion Chair
• ReUnion Volunteer
• Garnet Guard Chair
• Choral ReUnion Committee
• Campaign Committee
• Event Host
• Speaker/Panelist
College Relations
• Alumni Physicians Advisory Council
• Chemistry Alumni Advisory Council
• Union Women Connect
• Parent's Council
• Ebony
Opportunities Outside of College Relations
• Career Center
• Admissions
• Athletic Hall of Fame
• Grid Iron Club
• Garnet Blades
If you're interested, Nick Famulare '92, director of alumni affairs, would love to hear from you. He's at 518/388-6168 or famularn@union.edu.