Posted on Apr 23, 2004

, May I.
Baker Professor of Visual Arts, has been elected to the National Academy of
Design, an honorary artists organization that includes many of the most
prominent artists in the country. Hatke, a renowned painter, joins the likes of
Samuel F.B. Morse, Asher B. Durand and Thomas Cole to “promote the fine arts in
America through instruction and exhibition,” according to the organization's
charter. The Academy, at 1083 Fifth Ave.
in New York City, sponsors a program
of exhibitions, a conservation laboratory and an archive. Hatke, who has taught at Union since
1986, earned his bachelor's degree from DePauw University, and his master's and MFA degrees from the University
of Iowa. His works have appeared recently in the John Pence
Gallery, San Francisco; Gerald Peters Gallery in Santa
Fe; and at MB Modern
Gallery in New York.

For more about Hatke, see this
story about a campus exhibit of his works in 2000: