The Union Club of Boston welcomed many new members this year who help support a local book award at the Lyndon School and enjoy discounts to club events. Over the past year, club members have enjoyed a wide range of events. Last May, the club shared an evening of cocktails and hors d'oeuvres at the Boston Pops, an event that included a discussion with the Pops' manager, Tony Beadle. After a summer hiatus, the fall season included a family apple-picking event at Honey Pot Hill Orchards and a wine-tasting event at the Living Room in downtown Boston. Approximately 100 alumni gathered to cheer the Dutchmen at the annual Union vs. Harvard hockey game and reception in February, and a young alumni enjoyed a St. Patrick's Day event. Area alumni interested in becoming club members should contact Kelly Schrade '99 at schradek@mail.alumni.union.edu or Elyse Topp-Poirer '01 at elysemtp@yahoo.com.
The Alumni Office seeks volunteers to help coordinate a variety of alumni events in the Chicago area. If you would like to help, please contact Lisa Tesarik '93 at lisa_tesarik@bankone.com or 773-975-9839.
Last spring the Union College Club of Connecticut, along with Charles Roden '60, hosted fifty Stamford area alumni, parents, and guests for President Hull's “Union Today” presentation at the Rockrimmon Country Club. A special thanks to Charles for hosting this event. Please contact Alissa Mayo '96 at Alissa.mayo@alumni.union.edu or 203-912-5983 if you would like to help plan events in this area.
In November the Union College Club of Dallas enjoyed a performance of the opera “Queen of Spades.” Prior to the opera, alumni enjoyed dinner at the music hall and a talk with Helena Binder '76, the assistant director and choreographer for “Queen of Spades.” If you would like to help coordinate events in the Dallas area, please contact Nelson Weil '76 at nlw72@comcast.net
Kansas City
The Kansas City Club is underway, with its opening held at Kansas City's recently revitalized Union Station. Called “Union at Union Station,” the event featured more than fifteen alumni and parents, all of whom reside in Kansas City's bi-state region. Alden Davis '37 attended with his family all the way from Wichita, Kansas. Club members set out to begin an active series of events and networking gatherings to serve the more than fifty alumni in greater Kansas City. If you're in the Kansas City region and would like to join the Union Club of Kansas City, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 1-888-THE-IDOL, extension 6168.
If you can't come to Union. Union will come to you! The Union College Club of Kansas City was able to watch a Union football game from the comforts of Dan and Robin Ryan's '82 home. The gang requested one of the Union games (previously taped) and elected to watch it in Kansas City! The group had an old- fashioned tailgate, where they enjoyed tons of food and drink. Union even managed to give them a victory: 19-6 over WPI.
Los Angeles
The Union College Club of Los Angeles gathered at the Center Club in Costa Mesa to hear an update on the state of Union from President Roger Hull. Jim McGhee '88 welcomed the group, the president took questions from all who attended. Alumni and guests were thrilled to see President Hull in Orange County. The next evening, the club gathered at the Peninsula in Beverly Hills to hear President Hull speak; the club range is so extensive we needed two event locations to serve all constituents! Ronald Crowell '66 welcomed more than fifty alumni and guests. Again, President Hull took questions, which focused on the House System and fraternities, converging technologies, admissions percentages and financial aid, the economic stability of the Schenectady area, and the position Union will hold in relation to Sematech. Alumni and guests were pleased with the news brought to them that evening and are eager to gather again.
On July 9, the Union College Club of Los Angeles gathered for “Blues Night at the Bowl.” The group had a wonderful time picnicking in the Camrose Garden while chatting and catching up prior to the event. After the summer picnic al fresco, the blues fans entered the arena and enjoyed the entertainment courtesy of Etta James and The Roots Band. The performance was fabulous!
The Union College Club of Minneapolis is official! The first club event was held December 11, 2003. The group feasted on the delicious display made specially for the club by The Capital Grille in downtown Minneapolis. After the reception, club members were entertained by the Guthrie Theater's performance of “A Christmas Carol.” Everyone left the Guthrie in great holiday spirit; it was a wonderful event! The group plans to host another event during the summer months.

New York City
Union events have been keeping New York City alumni, parents, and friends busy for the last several months. President Hull visited Long Island last spring to talk about the exciting changes happening at Union. A few months later, in Manhattan, alumni gathered after work to mingle at T.G. Whitney's. This fall the club welcomed the class of 2003 to the New York City area with a young alumni scavenger hunt, in which Union's newest graduates explored the East Village by solving Union clues and trivia. Alumni, parents, and friends then celebrated the holiday season with Professors Tom Werner, James Underwood, Richard Fox, Sharon Gmelch, George Gmelch, and Dean of the Faculty Christie Sorum at a gathering at the Cornell Club. Most recently, Union's New Yorkers welcomed another faculty member to the city when they gathered at the Gerald Peters Gallery to see an exhibit of breathtaking paintings by Professor Walter Hatke.

Visit with old friends and meet other alumni while helping the New York City Alumni Club plan social gatherings to bring the alumni of greater New York together for several different events throughout the year. Minimal time commitment is necessary, and alumni of all years are welcome. Please contact Kristen Zadourian '01 at kristenzadourian@hotmail.com if you are interested.
Last fall, members of the Union community gathered to enjoy a performance of the Philadelphia Orchestra led by Christoph Eschenbach, one of the most sought-after conductors in the world. Before the performance, Union's guests enjoyed dinner at Toto's restaurant and a talk by Simon Woods, the vice president for artistic planning at the orchestra, who selects the musical programs. For more information on the Philadelphia Club or to help plan events, please contact Dina Stonberg '95 at dinas@att.net

San Diego
The Union College Club of San Diego gathered in beautiful downtown San Diego at the University Club as President Roger Hull addressed the enthusiastic group. Alumni volunteer Kevin Harkenrider '77 welcomed more than twenty-five alumni and guests. With a fantastic 360-degreee view of downtown, President Hull spoke of the College's four special areas – converging technologies, undergraduate research, terms abroad, and community service. Attendees had a wonderful time catching up on Union news and with one another.
Last May, the San Diego Club met at the world-famous San Diego Zoo and welcomed Professor George Butterstein, who spoke on his research and work in the Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species (CRES), where he is one of the few scientists studying blood samples from endangered animals. When the sun finally came out after lunch, we enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon of exploration around the zoo. A great time was had by all.
San Francisco
On Feb. 19, 2004, the Northern California Chapter held its third annual President's Day celebration in honor of Chester Arthur. The club felt it was important to recognize the twenty-third president of the United States, in addition to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Alumni enjoyed tasty appetizers and Union-worthy drinks while sharing in some fun trivia about President Arthur.
On June 14, 2003, the Northern California Club held its second annual “spring cleaning” day. This year Dolores Park was the chosen location. This beautification project was part of a larger effort of the San Francisco Parks Department to restore and maintain its parks for all to enjoy. The group enjoyed coffee, juice, and bagels and quickly burned off those calories cleaning! To extend community reach, the club was joined by local San Francisco Bay area alumni from both Hamilton College and Colgate University. After the event, the group feasted on a wonderful lunch and reveled in the fruits of their labor.
In July, the club gathered for a good old-fashioned summer day at the ball park. The group feasted on a delicious lunch right in Pac Bell Park. George Gmelch, professor of anthropology, spoke to the avid baseball fans about the history and culture of baseball, drawing on his recently-published book, Inside Pitch: Life in Professional Baseball. Gmelch went on the road with a busload of players to record the details of life around the diamond. Drawing on more than 100 interviews with major and minor league players, coaches, and managers, he explored players' experiences throughout their careers. Everyone was thrilled with the information George was able to give and thoroughly enjoyed the Giants' win over the San Diego Padres.
Later in the year, the club gathered at the opera to enjoy “The Mother of Us All,” choreographed by Helena Binder '76. The group connected with Helena before the performance for a short reception. Club members thoroughly enjoyed the reception and the opera.
On December 9, the club celebrated another fine year with a holiday party at Jade Bar in San Francisco. Vintage wines and delicious hors d'oeuvres complemented snappy tunes as the club members mingled and shared in the festive spirit.

On September 18, more than fifty members of the Union family gathered in Albany at the Bomber's Burrito Bar, owned by Matt Baumgartner '95. Many young alumni ended their workday networking and having casual conversation with fellow graduates. The next day, more than 100 met at the Mohawk Golf Club for dinner. President Hull spoke on “Union Today and Tomorrow.”
On October 21, about fifty people attended a luncheon at the Mohawk Golf Club. Philip Morris, chief executive officer of Schenectady's Proctor's Theater, spoke about the proposed expansion of the theater and about Schenectady revitalization.
On November 18, Professor Clifford Brown of the Political Science Department spoke about the 2004 Presidential election. He gave several scenarios of major turning points in campaigning that could affect the outcome. The group of about seventy enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving menu.
On December 9, seventy members and friends of the club came to Union's Old Chapel for a holiday luncheon. The Niskayuna High School Studio Singers, led by Paula Brinkman, performed popular and holiday favorites. More than sixty people enjoyed a delicious luncheon.
On July 28, 2003, the Union College Club of Seattle gathered for an evening at SAFECO Field. Twenty-five eager Mariners fans enjoyed a picnic dinner at the Pyramid Alehouse and Brewery directly across from the field and listened intently to George Gmelch, professor of anthropology, discuss the history and culture of baseball from his recently-published book, Inside Pitch: Life in Professional Baseball. The group cheered and cheered for the Mariners, but to no avail, as the Mariners lost to the Texas Rangers. Still, the fans had a wonderful time and enjoyed the evening.

Washington, D.C.
The Union College Alumni Club of D.C. has 150 dues-paying members and sponsors six events per year, including a reception on Capitol Hill for Union students spending their spring semester in Washington. The club financially subsidizes those students, who, because they are in Washington, are unable to work part-time on campus. A tour of the Old Dominion Brewery drew an appreciative crowd. Fifty Union alumni joined Hamilton and Skidmore alumni for the annual holiday party at the DACOR Bacon House. Nearly 100 Union alumni and guests took part in a tour of the Smithsonian's new National Air and Space Museum at the edge of Dulles Airport. For information about the club and its events, check its web site: www.union.edu/alumni/events.