Cook will present on “Application of Artificial Intelligence to Chess Playing.”
Samantha Mann will talk about
“Propaganda of the Second World War.”
Aaron Morris is talking on “Better
Homes and Gardens on Mars – Terraforming the Red Planet as Science (Fiction).”
They will be among the more than
200 students presenting at the 14th annual Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Symposium on students' creative, scholarly and research achievement on Friday,
May 7, and Saturday, May 8.
The weekend celebration also features Prize Day on Saturday at 11 a.m. in Memorial Chapel.
Classes are canceled on Friday
with presentations running from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. in Humanities, Social
Sciences, Arts Building,
Steinmetz, Science & Engineering, and the Olin
Dance performances will be during
Session III on Friday at 12:20 pm. in
the Dance Studio of the Arts Building.
The Steinmetz banquet for presenters, parents and faculty sponsors is Friday at
6:30 p.m. in Upper Class Dining.

The Choir and Orchestra will perform
Friday at 8 p.m. in Memorial Chapel.
Poster sessions will be Saturday
at from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in Hale House.
The Jazz Ensemble will perform on
Saturday at 1 p.m. in Chet's.
Student art work will be exhibited
throughout the weekend in the Arts Atrium.
Copies of the schedule will be
available in the Dean's Office, S-100, Science &
Engineering Building.
More information and a complete schedule are available at: http://www.union.edu/Steinmetz/