assistant professor of French, organized a panel and presented a paper at the April 2004
Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. The panel, organized with Prof. Martine Delvaux of the University
of Quebec at Montreal,
was called “Porno/Graphic/Violence in Recent French Film and Literature.” In her
paper, titled “How Tasty Was My Little French Woman: Marina
de Van's 'Dans ma peau' (In My Skin),” Chilcoat analyzed this
2002 film's highly original portrayal of auto-cannibalism as a commentary on
corporate consumerism. Chilcoat has also had a paper accepted for the December
2004 Modern Languages Association Convention, to be held this year in Philadelphia.
This paper, “(Post) Feminist (Porno) Graphics, a la Francaise,”
will explore graphic film-making and writing by French and francophone women
from 1970 to the present to consider how such works engage (or not) in the
projects of feminist politics and theory.