Posted on May 7, 2004

Tom Werner, the Florence B. Sherwood Professor of Physical Sciences,
and Christie Sorum, the Frank Bailey
Professor of Classics and dean of faculty, have co-authored a chapter, “From
Engineering to English: Encouraging Undergraduate Research Across the Disciplines,”
to appear in a book titled Reinvigorating
the Undergraduate Experience: Successful Models Supported by NSF's AIRE/RAIRE
, Linda Kaufman and Janet Stocks, eds. (Council on Undergraduate
Research, 2004). An abridged version of the book will be distributed to all CUR
members. Their chapter traces the history of undergraduate research at Union
with emphasis on the factors that have caused this endeavor to become a focal point
of the Union curriculum. These include the impact of IEF and FRF, Union's
participation in CUR and NCUR, and the establishment of the Steinmetz Symposium
as the high point of the academic
year. Other contributions in the book have come from faculty at Harvey Mudd, Grinnell, Colby, Reed, Occidental, Oberlin, Hope and