“Accolades,” Union's magazine dedicated to showcasing the achievements of alumni, won an award of excellence in the APEX 2004 Award competition.
It was entered into the “Custom-Published Magazines and Journals” category by Sawchuk, Brown Associates in Albany, which consults with the College on this publication and is working on the upcoming campaign kick-off and associated communications. Sawchuk Brown's Assistant Vice President Tina L. First edits and coordinates the magazine with Union College Campaign Director Julie R. Solomon and Assistant to the Vice President of College Relations Kathryn Quinn.
APEX 2004 – The 16th Annual Awards for Publication Excellence – is an international competition that honors outstanding publications by business and nonprofit communicators. Covering publications produced in 2003, the APEX competition selected its winners from some 5,500 entries, with awards presented in 11 major categories. It is sponsored by Communications Concepts, Inc., publishers of numerous business communication reports.