Posted on Aug 19, 2004

Craig Mosia '94 (Daily News photo)

Craig Mosia '94, a New
York City firefighter, was credited in the rescue of a
drowning 13-year-old boy who fell into Jamaica
Bay on Aug. 3.

Mosia and fellow members of Ladder
121, Engine 365 were called to the scene in the Rockaways, where a mishap sent a
pair of cousins into the water.

The event was covered in the Aug.
4 Daily News, which wrote:

“Mosia, 32, quickly stripped down
to his skivvies and leaped into the water. He felt the tug of the currents and
he could see [the boy] drifting head-first toward a concrete pylon.

'”I was thinking about my kids
when I was swimming out to him,” said Mosia, a father of twin toddlers,
Jake and Luke.

“The firefighter made it to [the
boy] in time to prevent him from hitting the pylon. But rather than fight back
to shore, Mosia cradled the boy in his arms and let the currents carry them to
the dock, where [a homeowner] helped them up.”

Mosia and the homeowner attempted
resuscitation, and the boy was taken to the hospital and listed in critical
condition. A 7-year-old was saved with some help from a bystander who tossed him
a basketball for flotation.