Posted on Oct 29, 2004

Frank Darmiento '67 will conduct a jazz workshop on Friday, Oct. 29, at 1:30 p.m. in Arts 313 and do two performances with area musicians.

He will
perform with a trio of Capital District musicians, including Union professor
and pianist Tim Olsen, bassist Pete Toigo, and drummer Pete Sweeney at a Jazz
Happy Hour on Friday, Oct. 29, from 4 to 6 p.m. at Blue House. Darmiento will appear with Olsen, Sweeney,
and bassist Ray Jung on Saturday, Oct. 30, from 8
to 11 p.m. at Yours Jazz Club on Barrett Street in Schenectady.

a composer, arranger and performer in both jazz and classical worlds, is a
winner of the 2003 Dallas Wind Symphony brass fanfare competition, principal
trombonist with the San
Marcos (Ariz.) Symphony and lead trombone for the Glendale (Ariz.) College Big Band. The CD Sudden Impact, released
by Summit Records in 2004, features Darmiento's quartet in six of his original
jazz compositions and treatments of jazz standards by Mancini, Mercer, and Van

graduate of Union's mechanical engineering program, Darmiento went on to
earn an M.S. in Environmental Engineering. He serves as the manager of the Transportation Research Center at the Arizona Department of Transportation.