Posted on Feb 11, 2005

Honda's latest alternative fuel
vehicle – the FCX hydrogen-powered fuel cell car — will be on display Wednesday,
Feb. 16, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the F.W.
Olin Center.

Barry Carr, vice president of
alternative fuels for Homeland Energy Resources Development Inc., will discuss
the use of alternative fuel vehicles. Lawrence D'Arco, environmental specialist
with the state Department of Environmental Conservation, will give an overview
of state initiatives involving clean cars.

Last fall, Gov. George Pataki announced the state's lease of two of the Honda
vehicles, adding to the state's growing fleet of alternative fuel vehicles.

The event is sponsored by the
Capital Region Association of Energy Engineers, Union College
and the Graduate College of Union University.

The presentation will include a
light dinner. Tickets are $10 for members of the Capital Region Association of
Energy Engineers, $15 for non-members and $5 for students. To register, call
Todd Baldyga of NYSERDA at 862-1090 or email