Posted on Mar 22, 2005

Union College will host the first annual Tech Valley Engineering Symposium on Tuesday, April 5, at College Park Hall, 450 Nott St. The day-long event will feature presentations and exhibits by engineering professionals as well as opportunities for students to participate through poster demonstrations and networking.

Speakers will include Dr. Glenn Eisman, director of the Center for Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Research at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Dr. Shimshon Gottesfeld, vice president and chief technology officer at MTI MicroFuels; Dr. Michael Dashiell, scientist in energy conversion technologies at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory; and Dr. Donald W. Richardson, president of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

In addition, more than 20 exhibitors from throughout the country interested in doing business in Tech Valley will provide attendees with information on their companies and products.

“This is a tremendous opportunity for engineering professionals and students to interact and discuss the latest work in our fields,” said Nicholas Krouglicof, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Union and an event organizer. “Having this event at Union also showcases the College and our prominence as an educational leader in engineering, science and the arts.”

The program will encompass state-of-the-art topics in energy and propulsion systems, micro and macro materials, sensors and controls, vibrations and dynamics, and poster presentations by 30 Union students majoring in mechanical engineering.

This year's symposium takes the place of two events held in prior years – the Northeast Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering Mini-Symposium and Vibo-Rama, a technical exhibition focused on machinery health assessment.

Sponsors include local chapters of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vibration Institute, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, and American Society of Nondestructive Testing, and the engineering departments of RPI and Union College.

The event is open to the public. Visit for program details and to register online, or call (518) 782-0220. Advance registration is $85 for professionals and $20 for students. The cost for walk-in attendees is $100.