Union College will sponsor the presentation, “Kristin's Story: A Story of Acquaintance Rape and Depression” on April 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Viniar Athletic Center. Kristin's Story is a proactive, co-educational program of acquaintance rape, based on the rape and suicide of Kristin Cooper, as told by her mother Andrea Cooper.
Kristin, a student and member of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority at Baker University in Baldwin City, Kan., committed suicide on New Year's Eve 1995 after being raped by a man she knew. Her mother Andrea has been presenting this program at colleges throughout the country to educate students about acquaintance rape and depression. Andrea Cooper is a graduate of Florida State University and a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority.
The event is sponsored by the Delta Delta Delta chapter at Union College, the Student Activities Office and the College's Speaker's Forum. There will be a reception after the presentation at Delta Delta Delta, located in Potter House.
For more information, go to http://www.tridelta.org/about/story.htm.