Posted on Oct 21, 2005

Through Oct. 30

Dyson Hall, Nott Memorial

“The Terra Cotta Soldiers of Xian: Photographs by Sidney Gluck”

A selection of images of the magnificent life-sized terra cotta soldiers and horses unearthed at Xian in the 1970s. The huge army was created by the First Emperor of China to immortalize the military might of the First Dynasty and serve the Emperor in his afterlife.


Through Dec. 18

Mandeville Gallery, Nott Memorial

“The Political Body: Posters from the People's Republic of China in the 1960s and 1970s”

A striking collection of some 30 Chinese posters examining the relationships between the human body and the body politic during the 1960s and 1970s, from the Chinese Poster Collection of the University of Westminster, London. The images depict a range of styles and media, from realist oil painting and photographs to woodblock prints and cartoons. An exhibition reception and gallery talk is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 24, 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Through mid-December

Faculty lounge, Social Sciences building

“Historical Railroad Calendars” from the Wells Collection

A dozen calendars from the 1920s-'50s given to the public by the New York Central and Pennsylvania Railroad Companies, on loan from Ronald V. Wells, father of Robert V. Wells, professor of history.


Oct. 27 through Dec. 2

Burns Arts Atrium Gallery, Visual Arts Building

“Digital Means: Collages, Paintings & Digital Works by Robert Kinsell and Leonard Stokes.”

This exhibition brings together 40 works by these two acclaimed artists for the first time. Kinsell, professor of art at Stephen F. Austin University in Nacagdoches, Texas, uses digital media to make paintings, while Stokes, a professor of visual art at Purchase College, State University of New York, makes collages. Both men have exhibited extensively in solo and group exhibitions  throughout the country.

Kinsell and Stokes will lead an exhibition tour and talk about their work Thursday, October 27 at 3 p.m. in the gallery. A reception will follow at 4:30. The exhibition and related events are made possible through the support of the College, its Visual Arts Department and the Walter C. Baker Fine Arts Endowment, which continue to promote the visual arts in the Capital Region of New York state.