Posted on Dec 19, 2005

Records Coordinators, from left, Nancy Beekman, Nan Kratzke,Wendy Duff, Erin Adams and Rita Damiano helped organize a campuswide gift-giving effort for needy families with Schenectady County Social Services. The program was coordinated by Kathleen McCann

The holidays will shine brighter for dozens of local children and adults in need this winter, thanks to an outpouring of thoughtful, beautifully wrapped gifts from the Union community.

Kathleen D. McCann, director of College Relations Data Systems, expanded her department's informal tradition of sponsoring people through the Schenectady County Department of Social Services.

“I can tell you first hand how appreciative the recipients are, and how excited the donors are, so this year I thought others on campus might want to participate, too,” McCann said.

Seventy Union staffers pitched in with gift bags, cards, food and more. Gifts ranged from Spiderman sheets, Dora the Explorer toys, books and a dollhouse to hats and gloves; even a toaster popped up in one package.

“Everyone was very generous,” McCann said. “One person literally had to drag her gift package into our office, as it was just bursting with stuff.”

Participants also enjoyed the opportunity to involve their children as a lesson in sharing and giving.

“In our family, my three-year-old's the official gift wrapper,” McCann notes.

Helping McCann with the gift-giving effort were Records Coordinators Erin Adams, Nancy Beekman, Rita Damiano, Wendy Duff, Nanette Krantze, Mary Lyford, Tonya Martinez-Hilton and Marilyn Tommasone.