The deadline for proposals for the Internal Education Foundation in two categories – student-initiated research projects and “educationally innovative projects” – is Friday, Feb. 3.
Proposals for student-initiated research projects must have the written approval of a faculty advisor who has agreed to supervise the project. The proposals should be submitted to the director of undergraduate research (Science & Engineering, S-100). Application forms are available in S&E, S-100, or on the Web at
Members of the College community who have educationally innovative proposals should submit them to the dean of arts & sciences (S&E, S-100) on forms available there, or on the Web at
Questions concerning student-initiated research projects should be directed to Prof. Mary Carroll at, while questions concerning educationally innovative projects should be directed to Dean Borst's office. Transportation costs should also reflect the best rates available.
Students who are planning to do interviews must indicate that arrangements have already been made. If your research includes work with human subjects, then the proposal must have preliminary approval from the Human Subjects Research Committee before it can be funded by the Subcouncil on Undergraduate Research.