Posted on Feb 14, 2006

Gilbert kalish, piano.
Musicians from Marlboro 2005-2006.

The Musicians from Marlboro take to the stage at Union College's Memorial Chapel on Thursday, March 2, at 8 p.m. as part of the College's Chamber Concert Series.

The famed musicians comprising the touring company are: Gilbert Kalish, piano; Hyunah Yu, soprano; Valerie Chermiset, flute; Rudolph Vrbsky, oboe; Alexander Fiterstein, clarinet; Shinyee Na, bassoon; and Paul S. Follette III, horn.

Hyunah Yu, soparano. Musicians from Marlboro, 2005-2006.

Their performance will include Carl Nielsen's Woodwind Quintet; Schubert's Der Hirt auf dem Felsen D. 965 and lieder ; Elliot Carter's Eight Etudes and a Fantasy for winds; and Beethoven's Quintet in E flat for Piano and Winds, Op. 16.

The 2005-2006 season marks the 40th anniversary of this touring company, which  originated as an extension of Vermont's Marlboro Music Festival, founded in 1951.

Valerie Chermiset, flute. Musicians from Marlboro, 2005-2006.

Time Magazine's Michael Walsh proclaimed this talented group as “the most exciting chamber music in the United States.”

Tickets, free to the Union community, are $20 for the general public and $8 for area students, purchased at the door one hour before the performance, or available at the College Facilities Building; call 388-6080.

For more information, call 372-3651 or visit the Union College Web site at