Posted on Mar 2, 2006

The Union community is once again invited to join the Sorum House Book Club.

This spring's selection comes from Annie Proulx's acclaimed short story collection, “Close Range.” The group will read two stories, “Brokeback Mountain,” upon which the current movie is based, and “The Half-Skinned Steer.”

“We'll schedule two to three times that people can meet to talk about the stories in the second week of spring term,” said Suzanne Benack, Minerva Council faculty representative.

Proulx is universally acclaimed by critics for her concise prose and her talent for capturing the essence of a character's life with only a sentence. John Updike included “The Half-Skinned Steer” in the Best American Short Stories of the Century (Mariner Books, 2000), which he co-edited.

Last term, more than 70 students and staff who joined Sorum House Book Club were captivated by Phillip Roth's “The Plot Against America.” While books were distributed for free, this term participants are asked to contribute $2 to offset costs.

The club is open to family and friends.

“A few people have asked about their spouses participating. I wanted to clarify that spouses and family members are welcome not only at the book club,” Benack said, “but at all Minerva events. This is actually a policy of the Minerva.” 

Interested readers should contact Benack at by Friday to sign up.