As usual, there'll be a host of events sprouting at Union after winter wanes. A quick preview of what's in the works for the spring term:
* Sunday, April 2: Emerson String Quartet
* Tuesday, April 4: Harold Holzer, Abraham Lincoln scholar, Perspectives at the Nott

* Thursday through Saturday, April 6-8: National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR )
* Thursday, April 6: Pianist Yefim Bronfman in concert
* Monday, April 10 and<FONT strong 17: Monday, April 17: Admissions acceptance days
* Tuesday, April 11: Employee Recognition Day
* Friday, May 5: Steinmetz Symposium
* Saturday, May 6:<PRIZE p day Prize Day
* Monday, May 8: Pianist Mitsuko Uchida
* Tuesday through Sunday, May 16 -21: Spring play: “An Evening of Ionesco,” featuring “The Bald Soprano” and “The Lesson”
* Thursday through Sunday, May 18-21: ReUnion
* Sunday, June 11: Commencement