Lamon, a biology major from Laguna Beach, Calif., died Nov. 24.
Most of the 20-minute remembrance was taken up with a slide show of dozens
of photos of Kevin with his friends at parties, on road trips and simply relaxing in his dorm. In nearly every shot, he wore his trademark mischievous grin, often clowning for the camera.
The slideshow, produced by Meyer and friends, featured a soundtrack of some
of Kevin's favorite music including John Lennon's “Imagine” and Green Day's “Time of Your Life.”
Students milled about at the end of the service, sharing hugs and stories about Lamon. Many recalled meeting him in their first days at Union and becoming fast friends.
Adam Sultaire '06 recalled how the “wise guy” would summon dorm mates to his room with cries of help. His “emergency,” they would discover, was that he had dropped the TV remote.
Brian Selchick '06 remembered Lamon as a great listener who helped him through the loss of the relative. “He was instrumental in keeping me around,” he said. “He was a really good ear.”
Diana Koch '06 also described Kevin's willingness to talk others through their problems. “Sometimes we would stay up all night talking,” she said.
Lamon was an occasional lunch partner of Tom McEvoy, dean of residential and campus life. “Kevin and I would get together every once in a while for lunch and share stories about our families, friends and how things were going at Union,” McEvoy said. “He had lots of good friends who, from what I gather, saw him lighting up a room. I know they miss him and so do I.”
Kathleen LoGiudice, assistant professor of biology, said she and the students in her ecology class got to know Kevin well during field trips to conduct wildlife diversity surveys. “He loved the outdoors, and he reveled in ecological questions,” LoGiudice said. “He was always a very positive influence in class, really attentive, and he contributed in a cheerful way.”