Posted on May 25, 2006

Fuat Sener,  associate professor of Economics, who is on sabbatical as a visiting scholar at Columbia University for the 2005-06 academic year, has published a paper, “Labor Market Rigidities and R&D-based Growth in the Global Economy,” in the May 2006 issue of Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. The paper constructs a theoretical trade model that allows for institutional differences in labor markets across countries. Using this setting, Sener investigates the recent trends in unemployment, wages and innovation for the United States and European economies.

In addition, Sener spent nine days at Japan's Kobe University in March as a fully-funded visiting scholar. During his visit, he presented a paper titled “Globalization, R&D and Endogenous Choice of Technology,” co-authored with the university's Laixun Zhao. That same month, Sener presented a paper titled “Intellectual Property Rights and Rent Protection in a North-South Product Cycle model” at Columbia University.