The first mention of a ReUnion weekend was in 1861. Now, 145 years later, it is an event held every spring that is anticipated by many.
This past weekend, more than 1,600 alumni attended the four days of festivities. Dominick Famulare, Director of Alumni Relations, said, “We're still calculating everyone. We're at 1,600 right now but when we're done counting we'll be closer to 2,000 alumni in attendance.”
In this year's celebration over 70 graduating classes were represented from the years spanning 1934 to 2005. Fourteen anniversary classes were honored this year; every ReUnion there are different classes that are given prizes such as sweaters, hats, and t-shirts. This year's prizes went to any graduation year ending with a one or a six from 1936 to 2001.
The anniversary classes honored at this ReUnion donated $3,818,938.
Famulare said, “People came from all over the world to be here this weekend. One man from the class of 1956 came from Chile.”
Alums like this man participated in a range of events including award ceremonies, theater presentations, breakfasts, tours, wine tasting and a golf outing.
Some of these events were more popular than others. “The Alumni Parade and the All Class Pictures were very popular this year. These are both followed by Convocation. People also liked the picnic, fireworks display and Alumni Class Dinner and Gala were extremely popular as well, said Famulare.”
The Convocation is a time for the presentation of awards. Awards are given out to different classes for their participation with the college.
This year the Anable Cup for the greatest number of alumni in the parade went to the class of 1976. The class of 1951 was awarded the McClellan Cup for the highest class percentage in attendance. The class of 1956 received both the Van Vost/Class of 1941 Cup for the best costume and the Class of 1943 ReUnion Award for best overall ReUnion effort.
Convocation also included the presentations of Alumni Council Gold Medals that recognize alumni and faculty who have demonstrated distinguished service to the college. These medals went to Sigmund C. Giambruno '51, Albert V. Nahmias '66 and Mark L. Walsh '76.
Perhaps one of the more unique traditions of ReUnion weekend is the Senior Handshake. Associate Director of Alumni Relations, Betsy Seplowitz, said, “[This year], the class of 1956 shook hands with the class of 1906 when they graduated and now the class of 1956 shakes hands with the class of 2006, thus linking the century of Union graduates.”
ReUnion weekend necessitates a good deal of planning. “It was just a campus effort by everyone getting involved. Today we start planning for ReUnion 2007,” said Famulare.
Seplowitz said, “We had over 80 events in four days. We work with Volunteers from each ReUnion class to see what they would like to see happen. We also have children's programming, presentations by students, faculty and alumni, and live music. We work with facilities, dining services and campus safety to make it work. It really takes a campus effort to make it all happen.”
So far Famulare and his Alumni Relations staff has heard good things from alumni who attended this year. Famulare said, “The feedback is tremendous. Alumni from all different classes [have told] us how great the weekend was.”
A member of the class of '66 wrote in saying: “Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you did to make this ReUnion weekend a total success. The class of '66 had a spectacularly good time…and all evidence was that everyone, all classes, enjoyed themselves immensely. Hopefully, today is a slow decompression day for all of you and the rest of your staff. …you've earned it.” Jokingly, he continued, “Now, about the weather…”
A Member of the class of '41 agreed saying, “It is a tribute to the entire Union College team that the weekend was absolutely perfect. I can't think of anything that was left out – the Class of 1941 Den was set up perfectly…the Dedication was absolute perfection, with wonderful speeches by Dr. Ainlay and Steve Ciesinski, the picnic was unbelievably efficient, the uniformed students who directed visitors all over the campus were so well trained, you had enough golf carts and other vehicles to help everyone who needed transportation at any time. The service in the Chapel was moving and appropriate.”
“Wherever we turned, there was an ingredient that added very much to everybody's weekend – I can only describe it, unusual as it sounds, as love – love for Union, love for the ReUnion, love for each other. I speak for the members of the Class of 1941 when I express these thanks,” the 194l graduate added.
Senior Matt Acciani looks forward to having a good time at ReUnion just as these alumni have. He said he will definitely come back to Union after he graduates.
“If I wasn't involved with athletics I'd probably be more in the air about coming. It'd be great to see people you haven't seen in awhile so there's appeal there. Personally, I'm planning on coming back to play in alumni games for soccer and swimming,” Acciani said.